most important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are
for what we could become." - Charles Dubois –
Are you willing to sacrifice what you are now,
in order to become what is ahead of you, this is a question you need to
honestly ask yourself before you consider committing yourself to some one? If your answer is no, you'll remain stagnant
in your current state never experiencing the result of change or the beauty of
Change is a necessary and perpetual facet of
life. In order to have a healthy meaningful relationship, not only do we have
to embrace change, we have to learn to love it. God makes masterpieces on the
canvas of our lives; and every day we have the opportunity to work with Him in
creating a work of art. By the leading of His Spirit, we must be willing to
make the necessary adjustments so God can continue the work what He started in
us. Do you know what happens to a person who becomes so complacent in their
current existence, they refuse to change? They never grow, and in extreme
cases, they live their entire life with UNFULFILLED
GREATNESS. Don't let that be your story!Jesus was a great example of what it means to
sacrifice what we are, for what we can become. He embodied change, and allowed
His entire life to be a sacrifice. As a result, He now sits at the right hand
of the Father. Notice, however, what He ultimately achieved began with His
willingness to lay down all for God's will.
Just think, if Jesus hadn't willingly sacrificed His life, you and I would not have unrestricted access to the Father. I don't know about you, but the sacrifice Jesus made motivates me to sacrifice what I am, so I can grow and become what God has destined me to be.
Just think, if Jesus hadn't willingly sacrificed His life, you and I would not have unrestricted access to the Father. I don't know about you, but the sacrifice Jesus made motivates me to sacrifice what I am, so I can grow and become what God has destined me to be.
Do you really want to grow into the person with a sound relationship? Because if you do, then change is the order of business! Don't be consumed with what you are right now; Sylvia Awori writes in her magazine… “Look great, enjoy yourself and be inspired but don’t allow possessions, positions or status rule your life. What matters most are not your achievements but the people that God brings in your life and the quality of relationship you share together. Material things are nice to have but the most beautiful house and the most expensive cloths won’t make you happy if love is lacking. Spend time building those important relationships with the people around you and focus on what you will become.”
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